Thursday, October 28, 2010

For my upcoming CLE on "How to Win Rehearing Every Time!"

Via Eugene Volokh, a June 21, 2010 petition for rehearing filed in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals:
Plaintiff has news for these slime ball, piece of shit, ass clown judges (Bowie, Canby, Thomas and Fletcher-this means you) that think they are going to rig the system and railroad the poor and innocent -- such as blocking the discovery process so the poor cannot defend themselves, commit perjury in their orders and a host of other constitutional violations, and do it with impunity -- that is simply not going to happen in this case. You cock suckers are now on notice.

The facts of this case are going to come out, one way or the other. Remember that bitches.
Now, confess: haven't we all wanted to file this motion?

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