Friday, October 22, 2010

Testing that "better late than never" maxim

Now that Ginny Thomas has experienced the perils of LTMUI (Leaving Telephone Messages Under the Influence), Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas are back in the news. And Thomas's then-girlfriend is speaking up:
"He was obsessed with porn," she said of Thomas, who is now 63. "He would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting."

McEwen added that she had no problem with Thomas's interests, although she found pornography to be "boring."

According to McEwen, Thomas would also tell her about women he encountered at work. He was partial to women with large breasts, she said. In an instance at work, Thomas was so impressed that he asked one woman her bra size, McEwen recalled him telling her.

Presented with some of McEwen's assertions, Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Thomas was unavailable for comment.

However bizarre they may seem, McEwen's recollections resemble accounts shared by other women that swirled around the Thomas confirmation.

Angela Wright, who in 1984 worked as public affairs director at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- which polices sexual harassment claims -- during Thomas's long tenure as chairman, shared similar accounts with Senate investigators.

Once, when walking into an EEOC seminar with Thomas, he asked her, "What size are your breasts?" according to the transcript of her Senate interview.

Her story was corroborated by a former EEOC speechwriter, who told investigators that Wright had become increasingly uneasy around Thomas because of his comments about her appearance. * * *

Another woman, Sukari Hardnett, who worked as a special assistant to Thomas in 1985 and 1986, wrote in a letter to the Judiciary Committee that "If you were young, black, female and reasonably attractive, you knew full well you were being inspected and auditioned as a female" by Thomas.
So, McEwen watched Anita Hill being treated like a lying attention-hungry whore on national TV, watched Thomas lie like a rug, and kept silent until now? ... well. That's loyalty, I guess.

... In related news, Ginny Thomas's wingnut lobbying group is taking back everything it said about how unconstitutional Obamacare is, so now there's no pesky need for Thomas to recuse himself, should any such case or controversy come before him. Whew, what a relief!

(Both via How Appealing.)

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